Volunteers needed to colour for United Way

Volunteers needed to colour for United Way

Volunteers are needed to help break the Guinness World Record for most people colouring at once. 

In order to break the previous record of 525, more volunteers are needed!

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) along with other United Way funded agencies are hosting this unique fundraiser in support of "Colour Our Community" and the United Way Hastings and Prince Edward.

Sunday, Feb 19 from 8:30 - 10am, at the former Sears Home Centre (behind Quinte Mall).

Bring your whole family, an pillow or blanket to sit on, a clipboard or another portable writing surface.  

Approved colouring pages and crayons will be provided.   Several options are available.

To participate, please consider a minimum donation to United Way of $5 per person. 

Read More: Today's News, Community, Quinte

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