Holiday Dance presented by Quinte Ballet School is a Christmas favourite.

Trenton dancer performs solo roles in Quinte Ballet School ‘Holiday Dance’

Trenton native, Talia Gauthier takes on new roles at Quinte Ballet School.

Trenton dancer performs solo roles in Quinte Ballet School ‘Holiday Dance’

One of Quinte’s own will be featured prominently in this year’s ‘Holiday Dance’ performances at of Quinte Ballet School of Canada featuring Nutcracker highlights.

Local resident and graduating student from the professional dance division, Talia Gauthier, will be tackling some new roles including the lead in “Spanish Dance” as well as solo parts. 

Talia has studied in the professional dance division of Quinte Ballet School since 2015 under the tutelage of Artistic Director Catherine Taylor and her professional staff.  Through the program, Talia has now performed in various roles of the Nutcracker since Grade 9, making 2018 her fourth year. 

‘All of my teachers influence me and shape me as a dancer in different ways,’ says Talia, ‘I do not have a favorite role as I enjoy every piece I get to be a part in.’ 

Talia’s new roles in Nutcracker performances consist of complex choreography. Talia remarks “it’s not too hard to memorize choreography because all of the dancers help each other.”

Growing up the Trenton area, Talia began her dance journey at the age of 3.  She kept up her classes while attending St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Catholic Schools, eventually graduating to Centennial Secondary School’s Arts program in Belleville. 

She began to recognize dance as her driving passion around the age of 13, when she became a part of ‘Team Canada Dance’.  Through this experience, she met and worked with many different teachers and fellow dancers, inspiring her to want to grow and accumulate bigger goals. 

She describes her favorite moment of dancing in QBSC shows as the hour prior to any performance, relating a funny story about how her good friend and fellow dancer who ripped her tights a total of five times during one quick costume change.

While Talia enjoys all aspects of dance, her favourite styles are Contemporary and Jazz because she loves to show her emotions and captivate audiences.  Ballet training has changed her technique, and she draws some of her inspiration from her favourite choreographer Travis Wall,

“He is an amazing dancer,” she says. “Every piece he creates for others or himself changes my perspective.”

As well, artistic director Taylor is also mentoring Talia as a teacher. In September Talia began teaching some recreational dance classes, earning valuable experience as an instructor for young students and adults.

All of these new roles and experiences are adding to Talia’s future options when she graduates in June 2019.

To see Talia and her fellow students in QBSC’s ‘Holiday Dance’ featuring Nutcracker favourites, pick up your tickets at 196 Palmer Road in Belleville, email, or call 613-962-9274 ext. 23. 

Performances are 7pm on Saturday, December 15th and 2pm on Sunday, December 16th at Centennial Secondary School’s theatre auditorium, 160 Palmer Road, Belleville.


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