Tesla supercharger opens in Belleville

Tesla supercharger opens in Belleville

  • June 11, 2018 - 7:01 AM
  • InQuinte.ca staff
  • News, Quinte

Scores of Tesla Super chargers are ready to roll at the Quinte Mall in Belleville.

Over the weekend, Tesla tweeted their 10000th Supercharger is now open in Belleville.

The electric chargers are located at the southeast corner of the mall’s parking lot.

In a previous interview with InQuinte, Quinte Mall marketing manager Erin Graham said the 20 superchargers stations will hopefully draw travelers off Highway 401 into the city.

"The closest superchargers are Kingston and they have six," she said. "Cobourg has a charger but there’s no other superchargers west until Port Hope and I believe they have eight.”

Tesla is leasing the property from the mall but the electric car manufacturer is responsible for the project.

The chargers are not compatible with other electric vehicles.

Read More: Today's News, News, Quinte

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