Teagan Basarowich wins Science Fair poster contest

Chris Spencer (Co-Chair of the QRSTF) and poster contest winner Teagan Basarowich) Photo by Lynne Weinert.

Teagan Basarowich wins Science Fair poster contest

  • November 24, 2017 - 3:05 PM
  • Quinte

A local high school student is being recognized for her outstanding art skills.

This year the Quinte Regional Science and Technology Fair held a poster contest for this school year’s science fair and Teagan Basarowich took home top prize.

Basarowich is a Centennial Secondary School student in the Communications Technology and Photography class. 

Her winning poster illustrated a professor surrounded by many of the aspects of science and research and it will be sent out to all schools in the Quinte area to be displayed.

It will also will be displayed at the 58th Quinte Regional Science Fair on April 7, 2018 at Loyalist College.

She won Prominent exposure and JVC GUMY Wireless headphones. Second place was won by Alexa in grade 7 at Sacred Heart in Marmora. She won a pair of JVC wireless headphones. All prizes were donated by Red Ball Radio. The QRSTF committee thanked all those students who took part in this year’s contest. All posters will be displayed at this year’s fair. 

The Quinte Regional Science and Technology Fair participants between grades 4-12, will be displaying their projects and competing for award money, medals and scholarships as well.

Information about this year’s fair and how you can take part can be found at www.qrstf.ca.

Read More: Today's News, Quinte

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