Richard Whiten: What approach do you think Prince Edward County should take in regard to the sale and production of marijuana for recreational and medical purposes given the federal government has legalized marijuana?
I think we should embrace it. Again, it's a good opportunity for jobs -good opportunity for business.
Sure, there's a lot of people opposed to it but there's far more that are researching it - in reading and learning more about it, that they can make their own decisions. I think the county should embrace it. Obviously it's here, it's going to be here. It's going to stick around. Whether we actually have so-called pot shops in town or not, it's still going to be legal. People are still going to be bringing it with them from outside the county. They do now with the reservation up there.
It would be nice to see it more readily available and something that's more controlled. Yes - for safety reasons, it's nice to know where it's coming from. If you're going to be ingesting anything, it's best to know where it's coming from.
It's a good opportunity for business and employment which are things we have lots of room for in the county. I drove through town today and got halfway through Main Street and started counting the empty stores and I counted three in half of Main Street. Our economy should be stronger than that. It should be able to support our local merchants, our local services. But right now it seems to be lacking.
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