Quinte West begins multi-year budget process

Quinte West begins multi-year budget process

  • January 31, 2023 - 2:02 PM
  • Paul Martin
  • News, Quinte

Quinte West is beginning it's first multi-year budget process on Tuesday.

The City of Quinte West has released its first multi-year budget report, 23-013FIN, to be reviewed by Council beginning January 31. The proposed 2023-2026 budget report marks the first time the City will present both its capital and operating budgets together to Council, and sets out a new multi-year budget approval process for the City.

By adopting a multi-year budget, the City is taking steps to enhance its financial management practices. This new budget format provides:

Better alignment between the City’s Strategic Plan priorities and the resources needed to continue to deliver high-quality services to residents.
Better communication of the costs associated with current and projected future municipal service levels.
Greater transparency for residents about the future direction of the City’s tax rates.

Subject to Council approval, the 2023-2026 budget report proposes an average annual tax increase of 8.2% over four years, and outlines key financial considerations facing the City including:

The impact of the rising cost of inflation.
Changes to taxation revenue received by the City from the Province.
Costs to improve city roads, bridges, parks, and facilities; and,
Costs to maintain current community service levels including police, fire and emergency services, winter control (snow plowing), and special events. 

“Staff are pleased to put forward the 2023-2026 budget report as part of our new multi-year budget planning process. City staff have worked diligently to identify key financial considerations that are likely to significantly impact the City over the next four years,” says Quinte West’s Chief Administrative Officer, David Clazie. “We look forward to working with Council to maintain fiscal accountability in planning for and meeting the needs of our growing community.”

Staff will present the proposed 2023-2026 budget report as part of the City’s budget review process at Special Council meetings scheduled for:

January 31, 2023, 3:00 p.m.
February 15, 2023, 3:00 p.m.
March 1, 2023, 3:00 p.m.

Quinte West residents are welcome to provide comments or address Council as part of the budget review process. Public input about the proposed 2023-2026 budget report can be submitted in writing to clerk@quintewest.ca for distribution as correspondence to Council. 

Individuals that wish to address Council in-person or virtually can attend any of the budget review meetings to speak during the public input period. More information about the City’s Speaking at Council process is available at quintewest.ca.

Review of the final 2023-2026 budget report is scheduled to occur at the March 22 Council meeting.

About the City of Quinte West’s new multi-year budget

The City of Quinte West’s municipal budget is a comprehensive financial plan that outlines the estimated revenue and expenses necessary to provide City-funded municipal services, facilities and resources. It determines the level of service provided to Quinte West residents and guides decisions on City infrastructure.

The City of Quinte West’s new multi-year budget format ensures the strategic goals and priorities identified by Council in the City’s Strategic Plan are appropriately budgeted for over each four-year term.

The new multi-year budget format consists of the annual capital and operating budget, 10-year Capital budget forecasts, and four-year Operating budget forecasts in alignment with each four-year term of Council. Beginning in 2023, rather than approving a budget annually, Council will approve budgets for the next four years, subject to annual review.

Funding of this City’s capital and operating budgets is achieved through user fees, service charges, grants, reserves and property taxation. The amount of revenue required from property taxation is used to establish tax rates each year.

Read More: Today's News, News, Quinte

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