Quinte well-represented at Canada-Wide Science Fair

Quinte well-represented at Canada-Wide Science Fair

  • May 13, 2018 - 12:24 PM
  • InQuinte.ca staff
  • News, Quinte

The Canada-Wide Science Fair is happening in Ottawa this week and includes some budding scientists from the Quinte Region.
Elliot Mundle, Aidan Mundle and Isabella Isbester of Albert College, along with Shoshanna Spencer and Lily Woods of Susanna Moodie Elementary School make up the group of five who earned the right to attend after winning at the Quinte Regional Science and Technology Fair back in March.
They will also have the opportunity to attend lectures and workshops, opening the door to connecting with leading scientists and other like-minded students during this week's event.

Read More: Today's News, News, Quinte

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