Local puzzle master shooting for another world record

Tweed's Maxine Olive is setting out to beat her own record for largest puzzle completed in the shortest amount of time (150 hours), with her bid starting on Friday. PHOTO: MAXINE OLIVE/SUBMITTED

Local puzzle master shooting for another world record

  • July 28, 2021 - 5:44 PM
  • Brock Ormond
  • News, Quinte

A Tweed woman is hoping that reaching another Guinness Book of World Record won’t be a ‘puzzling’ experience.

Back in February, Maxine Olive smashed a record previously set by an American man (423 hours) by completing a 42,320-piece puzzle called Ravensburger Memorable Disney Moments in only 150 hours.

Now, she is taking aim at beating that benchmark, as she gets set to assemble the Kodak Wonders of the World puzzle, which at 28.5 ft. long by 6.25 ft. high and 51,300 pieces, is now considered by Guinness to be the biggest puzzle in the world.

It features 27 sections consisting of approximately 2,000 pieces, that all make up a photo of a prominent world attraction.

“The Kodak puzzle had come out (in February), but it wasn't quite as widely known at the time,” Olive explained in an interview on Wednesday, so she chose to tackle the Disney puzzle first.

A lifelong love of doing puzzles has led to Olive’s pursuit of this record.

“My mom tells me I've been doing this since I was about two years old. I just kind of picked one up in my own volition and started doing it for fun,” she noted.

“As I've grown up and gone through my life, I've let different people in about this aspect of it, and they all look at me (and say), ‘wow, you’re really fast.’ I don't notice it. I’m just doing it for fun,” Olive added with laugh.

As she has built herself up into a “puzzle master” of sorts, she said friends have sent links to larger puzzles like the Kodak one and thought she would try her hand at it.

Olive’s mission with this puzzle is to “shoot for the stars” and be a bar-setter.

“With this puzzle, there's no existing record of anyone who's ever done it,” she explained.

“The goal this time, is I want to do it in the same time I did the Disney puzzle or better, even though there's more pieces.”

Doing this type of puzzle with as many parts to it can naturally be overwhelming, Olive said, so her strategy is to pick one scene at a time and piece it together before moving on.

“It's very much a mental game, because you don't want to do a run of five really hard puzzles in a row and then say, ‘that took a lot of time, I'm feeling really deflated,” Olive stated.

Endurance is also a factor, but Olive’s self-admitted stubbornness helps her get into a groove so she can complete it faster, which means limiting bathroom and food breaks.

“Probably about four or five days in is when I would start to hit the wall, then maybe I would take a 10–15-minute break,” she added. “But I’m so stubborn, it's hard for me to justify that little break.”

World record puzzle attempts must be done individually, meaning that only Olive herself is allowed to assemble it.

“I can ask (another person) for help with moving the board, just for the purpose of moving it out of the way, but they'll never touch the puzzle,” Olive explained.

The bid to beat her own record will coincide with the grand opening of her new store Sweet Escapes on North Front St. in Belleville on Friday.

The shop, run by Olive in tandem with her business partner Casey Chourney, will offer a variety of puzzles, board games, a full selection of retro, limited supply candy, escape rooms and even a YouTube studio, all of which was inspired by her world record pursuit with the Disney puzzle.

When asked if she sees herself as an inspiration for those wanting to achieve their dreams and lofty goals, Olive admitted she does have a lot of pride for doing what she has done so far.

“It really surprised me last time how many messages I got from people that I don't even know,” she said. “Strangers were reaching out to congratulate me and saying ‘you really inspired me to look into puzzles and do things I didn't think I could do. It was really heartwarming.”

Olive’s record attempt will be livestreamed via YouTube and a link to watch can be found here.

A contest will also be held for subscribers who follow the event, where they can win a free puzzle.

Read More: Today's News, News, Quinte

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