Contract awarded for construction of new Marmora water tower

Contract awarded for construction of new Marmora water tower

  • February 21, 2019 - 11:59 AM
  • staff
  • News, Quinte

An Oshawa company has been awarded the contract to replace the water tower in Marmora.
A notice from Marmora and Lake said council voted on Feb. 19 to hire Hadovic Construction for the project, at a cost of $ 2.08-million, plus H-S-T, totalling just over $2.3-million.
It was the lowest of five bids received, with the highest coming in at $2.6-million.
The water tower construction is being partially funded by an Ontario Community Infrastructure grant of $1.826-million, with the rest, about $490,000, being covered through the municipal budget and the provincial Gas Tax Fund.

The new tower will stand nine metres taller than the current structure, which has been in operation for more than 60 years, and needs to be replaced

Read More: Today's News, News, Quinte

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