The Belleville location includes home-made cones, gelato, ice cream and sorbet made on-site. Products are locally sourced and served, made with local ingredients and no artificial colours or flavours. AMANDA LORBETSKI/INQUINTE.CA

Catering company brings sweet treat to downtown Belleville (photo gallery)

Nice Ice Baby Ice Cream Owner/operator Tim Hennig (left) and his son Asher Hennig (right) pose in the new Belleville café at 26 Victoria Street. AMANDA LORBETSKI/INQUINTE.CA

Catering company brings sweet treat to downtown Belleville (photo gallery)

A popular catering company is satisfying the sweet tooth of visitors to downtown Belleville.

Nice Ice Baby Ice Cream, owned and operated by Tim Hennig and Sharon Huckle at 26 Victoria Avenue, officially opened July 11.  It includes a selection of home-made cones, gelato, ice cream and sorbet made on-site.  All products are locally sourced and served, made with local ingredients and no artificial colours or flavours.

Hennig said he was inspired to start the business after taking several courses in ice cream and gelato making three years ago.

"We have people coming in just to see the space because it is a gorgeous space.  We’ve really done a lot of work to it.  We’ve made it feel a little bit of old mixed with new.  We want to give people a nice place to sit.”

The Belleville café also includes home-made sandwiches, coffee and tea.  Harvest flavours such with pumpkin, cinnamon, nuts and chocolate will be incorporated over the fall.

As for the name Nice Ice Baby Ice Cream, Hennig said a unique name brings life to the business and its products.

"We like to have fun with our names," he said.

"It brings happiness and smiles to people's faces right away when they hear the name, especially if they have that 80s Vanilla Ice tie-in. So it adds a lot of fun to our space."

The business also opened a second parlour at 305 Main Street in Wellington.

To learn more, visit, like Nice Ice Baby Ice Cream on Facebook or follow @niceicebabyice on Twitter.

Read More: Today's News, News, Quinte

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