Belleville CAO elected Ontario Good Roads Association Board President

Belleville CAO Rick Kester

Belleville CAO elected Ontario Good Roads Association Board President

  • March 12, 2019 - 6:12 PM
  • staff
  • News, Quinte

Belleville's Chief Administrative Officer is the new President of the Ontario Good Roads Association Board of Directors.
A news release from the organization said Rick Kester was elected to the position during the inaugural board meeting held on Feb. 27.
Kester has served as a director on the board since 2014 when he was elected to represent the Southeast Zone.
The board sets policy and provides direction to the association through a combination of elected officials and municipal staff.

The association represents the infrastructure interests of municipalities through advocacy,  consultation, training and the delivery of identified services.

Read More: Today's News, News, Quinte

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