A record-setting puzzle performance for Maxine Olive

Maxine Olive finished off the 51,300-piece Kodak Wonders of the World puzzle in 157 hours and 55 minutes Monday afternoon to set her own record. PHOTO: MAXINE OLIVE/SUBMITTED

A record-setting puzzle performance for Maxine Olive

  • August 10, 2021 - 4:02 PM
  • Brock Ormond
  • News, Quinte

Maxine Olive continues to blaze record trails.
The self-dubbed "puzzle queen" of Tweed finished off the 51,300-piece Kodak Wonders of the World puzzle in 157 hours and 55 minutes Monday afternoon to set her own record.
The mission took her a total of 11 days, with 15 hours each day being dedicated to assembling the 28.5 by 6.5 feet puzzle until the final two, when she used 32 hours to complete it
Olive's new record came after she got herself into the Guinness Book of World Records by completing the 42,320-piece Ravensburger (RAH-Vens-burger) Memorable Disney Moments puzzle in 150 hours back in February.
Residents are encouraged to come down and view the puzzle if they wish at Olive's new store Sweet Escapes on 205 North Front Street until Friday.

Photos of Olive with her puzzle can be seen below.

Read More: Today's News, News, Quinte

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